• CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    An invitation to contribute to a National Stocktake of Consumer and Carer engagement and Lived Experience Workforce Development

    ‘nothing about us – without us’

    The National PHN Mental Health Lived Experience Engagement Network (MHLEEN) was established and funded by the Department of Health in 2018 to:


    • engage with People with a Lived Experience (including carers) in the co-design of systems and processes for commissioning and regional planning,
    • promote and build the Lived Experience Workforce, and
    • coordinate a National Network of PHNs and other key stakeholders to share and build the capacity of an authentic culture and commitment to consumer and carer engagement and the Lived Experience Workforce


    Each year MHLEEN undertakes a stocktake of PHN lived experience engagement activities and Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce development. Findings from the stocktake survey, inclusive of case studies, provide valuable information on PHN progress relative to the above MHLEEN objectives.


    Request for Participation by Commissioned Services


    As part of its contract with the Department of Health, this year MHLEEN is undertaking a Stocktake of PHN Commissioned Services across Australia. The purpose of this stocktake and survey is to:


    • gain national benchmark data on the work being undertaken by commissioned services in primary Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and Alcohol and Other Drugs in relation to lived experience engagement and the workforce;
    • identify and showcase what’s currently being done, what’s working, what’s not, and how PHNs can further support commissioned services in their lived experience activities, and
    • share both qualitative and quantitative information and case studies with all commissioned services, PHNs, and other key stakeholders.

    On behalf of MHLEEN we thank you for your contribution to this important piece of work and ask if you would please be able to complete it by:  Monday 19 June 2023.

    Paula Arro  Chairperson  MHLEEN

    Lived Experience Engagement Coordinator  - Brisbane North PHN 
    mobile 0459 876 902

    For further information about MHLEEN please see website:  

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your attendance and participation at the PHN Workshop 2022. The objectives of the Workshop were to:

    • To discuss and analyse what and how the current system, reforms, priorities and recommendations are moving towards authentic engagement and workforce development
    • To hear from and have discussions with Lived Experience Leaders on perspectives of co-design, co-production and Lived Experience Workforce Development
    • To present and share case studies of good and best practice along with learnings from other PHN’s and LEAD’ers
    • To articulate key priorities for MHLEEN/LEAD for the next 12 months including recommendations to the Department and Executive.

    Your valuable feedback will help us to plan for future events.

    Complete Evaluation
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    MHLEEN are currently in the early stages of planning for a PHN only Workshop. Answering the following survey questions will provide key details that will inform the initial planning phase and produce further insight into the desired flow and aims of the Workshop. Updates on the findings of this survey and ongoing Workshop preparation will be communicated at future MHLEEN meetings.

    The survey should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

    If you would like to provide any further suggestions that aren't covered in the survey, please contact:

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your contributions to this important piece of work.

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your participation in the MHLEEN Annual Forum. The objectives of the Forum were to:

    • discuss and analyse what and how the current system, reforms, priorities and recommendations are/not moving towards authentic engagement and workforce development 

    • hear from and have discussions with Lived Experience Leaders on perspectives of co-design, co-production and Lived Experience Workforce Development

    • present and share case studies of good and best practice along with learnings from other PHNs and LEAD’ers 

    • articulate key priorities for MHLEEN/LEAD for the next 12 months including recommendations to the Department and Executive. 

    Your valuable feedback will help us to plan for future events.

    Complete Form
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    MHLEEN are currently in the early stages of planning for the MHLEEN Annual Forum. Answering the following survey questions will provide key details that will inform the initial planning phase and produce further insight into the desired flow and aims of the Forum. We are also in conversations with the Department of Health regarding the possibility of merging the Forum with their Stepped Care Workshop replacement event. Updates on the findings of this survey and ongoing Forum preparation will be communicated at future MHLEEN meetings.

    The survey should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

    If you would like to provide any further suggestions that aren't covered in the survey, please contact:

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your contributions to this important piece of work.

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The MHLEEN Annual Forum Working Group are currently in the early stages of planning for the MHLEEN Annual Forum. Answering the following Poll question will produce further insight into the desired flow and aims of the Forum. 

    This Poll should take approximately 1 minute to complete.

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your contributions to this important piece of work.

    Complete Poll
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The National PHN Mental Health Lived Experience Network (MHLEEN) commenced in 2018 and aims to: 

    • Embed Lived Experience Engagement in the co-design and commissioning undertaken by PHNs 

    • Support better outcomes in mental health by promoting and supporting the employment of peer workers and promoting this workforce  

    • Maintain a National Network of PHNs and other key stakeholders to support, coordinate and collaborate on continuous improvement of person centred, recovery focused planning, implementation and review of primary mental health care in Australia. 

    In October 2018, MHLEEN undertook a Stocktake of PHNs engagement activities. In 2020 and 2021, the Stocktake was repeated and compared to the 2018 data to assess the extent of improvements in engagement and Lived Experience Workforce development.  These surveys have provided important data and information for PHNs themselves but also other key stakeholders that PHNs work with.  It is also an opportunity to promote and share learnings. 

    MHLEEN appreciates the continuing impact of COVID-19 and PHNs being at different levels of  engagement and capacity to undertake engagement and promote the Lived Experience Workforce 

    For benchmarking purposes, the same questions that were used in the 2018, 2020 and 2021 Stocktake will be asked again in 2022. A Working Group of MHLEEN has reviewed the original questions list and made revisions where appropriate to ensure meaningful data is collected.   

    Please note that to complete this survey you will need to collect data from other areas of your PHN and commissioned service providers. It is recommended to browse through the suite of questions before beginning the survey. This survey will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete once all data has been collected. 


    If you would like to discuss any aspects of the survey, please contact: 

    Paula Arro  Chairperson  MHLEEN 

    Lived Experience Engagement Coordinator 

    MHAOD - Brisbane North PHN 

    0459 876 902 


    Survey due COB Friday 2 December 2022 

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    In June/July 2018, the Brisbane North PHN was invited by the Department of Health to chair and provide secretariat support to a newly established network to assist in improving and embedding 'lived experience' engagement within the PHNs and their commissioning cycles. 

    The National PHN Mental Health Lived Experience Network (MHLEEN) met for the first time in June 2018 and has continued to meet monthly. In October 2018, MHLEEN undertook a Stocktake of PHNs engagement activities and had a 90% response rate from the 31 PHNs. In 2019, the Department of Health continued to commit to this work by funding MHLEEN for an additional three years. During 2019 the Department of Health also released National Guidance Materials for the Peer Workforce. In 2020, the Stocktake was repeated and compared to the 2018 data to assess the extent of improvements in engagement and Lived Experience Workforce development.

    We appreciate the impact of COVID-19 and PHNs being at different levels of maturity with engagement. This third Stocktake will allow us to demonstrate the progress made in embedding Lived Experience Engagement within PHNs and will allow MHLEEN to make recommendations for the future in its work to support PHNs.

    MHLEEN's 3 core objectives are aligned to the National Guidance Materials. These objectives include:

    1. PHNs to embed consumer and carer engagement in the co-design throughout the commissioning cycle.
    2. PHNs to support better outcomes in mental health by promoting and supporting the employment of peer workers as part of multi-disciplinary teams providing person centred support and recovery-oriented and trauma informed care and
    3. Maintain a national Network and links with other key stakeholders to support, coordinate and collaborate on continuous improvements in line with the maxim 'nothing about us without us'

    For benchmarking purposes, the same questions that were used in the 2018 and 2020 Stocktake will be asked in 2021. A Working Group of MHLEEN reviewed the original questions and have included some additional questions. (The preferred language is people/person with a lived experience with mental health issues and/or suicide (PLE). They may be either as a consumer or a carer.)  

    If you would like to discuss any aspects of the survey, please contact:

    Paula Arro - Coordinator | Lived Experience Networks

    MHAOD - Brisbane North PHN

    (07) 3490 3437

    Please note that to complete this survey you will need to collect data from other areas of your PHN and commissioned service providers. It is recommended to browse through the suite of questions before beginning the survey. This survey will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete once all data has been collected. 

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 29 Nov 2023, 10:09 AM