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Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Workshop (GP)

Thank you for your participation in our Initial Assessment and Referral Workshop 1 and 2 training

The objectives of the training were to:

  • Introduction to IAR and the development of the National Guidance.
  • Orientation to the domains, levels of care, and decision support tool.
  • Clinical judgement and supported decision-making.
  • Application of the IAR in referral, assessment, and intake settings (practical activity using vignettes). 

Questions 6 to 10 relate to the extent your training need has been met. 

Your valuable feedback will help us to plan for future events.

Overall, how satisfied were you with the training?

Would you likely recommend this CPD activity to a colleague?


As a result of the training, do you plan to take any action?

* required
The content was organised and easy to follow.
The time allocated to the training was sufficient.
Following this workshop, I am familiar with the principles underpinning the national approach to stepped care.
Following this workshop, I have awareness and confidence in the IAR development process.
Following this workshop, I can apply the IAR Guidance in practice settings, using the domains and the decision support tool to generate a recommended level of care.
Following this workshop, I understand the levels of care and can determine regional services matched against the levels of care.
I understand the principles related to clinical decision making and consumer choice and can practice following these principles using supported decision-making strategies.
The Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool will help support improved decision-making for referral across mental health services.
Using the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool is likely to be a valuable use of my time.
It was clear how to get in touch with a representative about the project.

Where did you hear about the IAR-DST training?


Finally, please tell us a little about yourself (tick all that apply)

Please specify

Thank-you for completing this survey!