Please rate the extent to which you agree the partnership is achieving its Purpose as outlined in the Terms of Reference:
Specifically, the functions of the Partnership Group include:
- Provide an holistic strategic direction for the implementation of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Chapter of the Regional Plan to ensure alignment with other existing strategies and initiatives on regional, state and federal levels;
- Advise on alcohol and other drug treatment priorities, particularly focused on the identified priority populations and as it aligns to local needs;
- Review and provide expert input regarding local population and alcohol and other drug service delivery data gathered by the PHN;
- Provide advice regarding additional sources of relevant data to inform prioritisation of local needs;
- Network with colleagues and others to ensure good understanding of local alcohol and other drug treatment and service needs;
- Circulate endorsed information to colleagues and community members
In addition, the group may:
- Provide advice on commissioning services from time to time
- Contribute to other Groups working towards the successful implementation of the Regional Plan.