Mental health, alcohol and other drugs hub

Welcome to the Brisbane North PHN My voice mental health, alcohol and other drugs engagement hub.

This site will share information and invite participants to engage with the PHN during the planning and commissioning of mental health, alcohol and other drug services.

Information regarding the PHN's role in mental health, alcohol and other drug treatment services is available at the PHN website.

Welcome to the Brisbane North PHN My voice mental health, alcohol and other drugs engagement hub.

This site will share information and invite participants to engage with the PHN during the planning and commissioning of mental health, alcohol and other drug services.

Information regarding the PHN's role in mental health, alcohol and other drug treatment services is available at the PHN website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Brisbane North PHN has produced a short video and consultation paper to explain our approach to stepped care to date and to get your input.

    We invite you to provide feedback through this online survey.

Page last updated: 09 Jul 2018, 11:24 AM