People with Lived Experience (PLE) Participation Chapter: Priority Actions Feedback

In 2016, the Department of Health tasked PHNs with commissioning mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug treatment services. The development of a regional plan is central to the process, aiming to identify service needs and gaps, reduce duplication, remove inefficiencies and encourage innovation within the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay regions. The goal is to create a shared plan about what we will all do to improve service responses, and outcomes for consumers.

The regional plan will consist of a series of chapters (or 2 year action plans) representing the various streams of activity within the overall areas of mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drugs.

The PHN has asked the Peer Participation in Mental Health Service (PPIMS) network to develop a Consumer and Carer Participation Chapter.

A summary of engagement and participation activities for developing this draft Consumer and Carer Chapter is below:
February Blue Sky Dreaming Peer Symposia (Attachments and data document pg 23-34)
March Peer Delegates Working Group & representation at PHN March Symposia (Attachments and data document pg 35-37)
April Peer Workshop on Alcohol and other Drug issues from a C&C perspective (Attachments and data document pg 38-40)
May Measuring Performance: How do we measure recovery and experience Peer Symposia (Attachments and data document pg 41-50) & survey of Network members about how the regional planning process is going in terms of C&C awareness and participation in the planning. (Attachment and data documents pg 51-53)
June Peer Network Presentation of C&C participation and key themes, issues and recommendations for the Regional Plan.
July Priority Actions for plan across promoting, recruiting/training, ongoing support and employment/participation (Attachments and data document pg 55-64).

The focus of this survey is to consider and provide comment on the ‘proposed priority actions’ to increase PLE participation in Mental Health Services in the region. Please review the 'People with a lived experience regional plan chapter working document' and complete the following survey to provide feedback by 13 November 2017. You may also wish to review the attachments and data document

Please note all documents are in working form and not for public distribution.  

You need to be signed in to take this survey.

1. Why do we need an Action Plan for Consumer and Carer Participation, and what do we know? (pages 1-12)

2. What is the vision and what are the outcomes we want to see? (page 13)

Vision: As a region, support the ‘active’ involvement of People with lived experience (PLE) in the planning, implementation and evaluation of mental health services and systems in Brisbane North. Outcomes we want to see: • Regional network of PLE to provide a collective voice • Support to other PLE who want to actively participate • PLE have regular updates around services, policy, programs and system developments • Opportunity to identify strategies to improve engagement and participation of PLE • PLE able to provide advice on emerging issues and • PLE involved co-design

3. Priority Actions for 2018-2019 (pages 16-19)

The Peer Participation Framework for the action plan is around how we: • Promote participation opportunities • Recruit people with a lived experience • Train both people with a lived experience and the mental health sector • Provide ongoing support to peers participating and support for mental health services to better engage and • Employment/participation creation, development. Below are the proposed priority actions for each part of the framework.

Promote - Action 1: Develop a central point to locate information about C&C participation and incorporate and expand social media options to broaden reach

How: develop a communication strategy, improve mymentalhealth website, working group to monitor and review social media activities, explore develop other social media type activities, develop local case studies and lived experience stories and monitor and promote relevant research.

Recruit - Action 2: Build a 'collective voice' and mechanisms for collaboration with PLE and the Mental Health Sector The PPIMS Network is committed to providing a collective voice to advocate for PLE and foster the growth of a diverse membership and ensuring social inclusion. Key action areas are to expand the existing network, move to Network towards having an independent voice and ensuring broad membership and links to bridge gaps with PLE not currently engaged.

How: evaluate PPIMS network, regularly monitor and promote employment and other participation opportunities, continue to build special interest groups, develop register of PLE specialists, recruit PLE to all aspects of commissioning cycle.

Training - Action 3: Facilitate training opportunities for PLE and Mental Health Service Providers to build workforce/employment capacity and expand other participation roles for PLE in the system

How: develop ongoing training and support opportunities to build capacity of both PLE and the mental health sector, develop peer workforce, identify and coordinate co-contribution opportunities with MHAOD sector, develop pool of PLE trainers, assessors, educators and public speakers and undertake a training needs assessment for MHAOD services to identify capacity building to embed PLE participation in services.

Ongoing Support - Action 4: Develop a Brisbane North Lived Experience Participation Strategy, Policy and Program Framework

How: continue to build PPIMS Network, convene working group to develop region wide PLE Participation Strategy, Policy and Framework, Identify and develop strategies for offering mentoring, supervision, peer reflection and self care activities, create Peer Led community education and speaking engagements to demystify stigma and discrimination and develop a clearing house of best practice resources and tools.

Employment and Participation - Action 5: Create a local Peer Workforce Development Strategy for the region.

How: Establish peer workforce steering group, research and develop- benchmarks of current workforce and participation, profiles and case studies, facilitate Research to Practice forums with senior executives and create clearinghouse of tools and resources to support MHAOD services to improve PLE participation.

Employment and Participation - Action 6: Identify, promote and facilitate PLE participation in NDIS readiness and implementation

How: investigate potential employment and participation opportunities within NDIS, promote opportunities, assist with capacity building initiatives for PLE NDIS roles, explore PLE led/run models of NDIS provider services.

4. Additional comments or feedback

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