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GP Common challenges in primary care: Respiratory and sleep update

Metro North Hospital and Health Service and Brisbane North PHN invite GPs to join us and our panel of experts for an evening of education and discussion. 

As winter approaches, exacerbations and flare-ups become more common for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Ongoing management of COPD can be challenging and complicated by the impacts of the new COVID world, reinforcing the importance of keeping COPD patients out of hospital where clinically appropriate. This evening aims to share the new Collaborative Care Model currently being developed to achieve this as well as clinical tips to optimise care of COPD patients in the community. 

Sleep disorders present a significant healthcare challenge with increasing demand for diagnosis and treatment and a high burden of disease given their high prevalence and associated comorbidities. This evening aims to provide a practical approach to the assessment and management of a range of sleep disorders in the community and articulate referral pathways for specialist care in North Brisbane. 

Join your GP colleagues and guests from the Metro North Respiratory and Sleep teams to hear about new resources, care models and practical strategies to keep COPD patients out of hospital this winter and diagnose and manage sleep disorders. There will be an opportunity to engage with our panel of experts about advice on management, referral options and support services that may be useful for you in primary care.  

Activity Number: 349439 

GPs will be awarded 4 RACGP CPD Accredited Activity points after attending the workshop.

This is a joint initiative between Metro North Health and Brisbane North PHN